Key Skills Introverts Can Focus On To Become Better Leaders 

Article: Key skills introverts can focus on to become better leaders

While introverts can possess many qualities that make them effective leaders, there are certain skills that we can work on to become even more successful in leadership roles. Here are some skills that introverts can work on to enhance their leadership abilities:

  1. Communication: Introverts may sometimes struggle with communicating their ideas effectively, especially in group settings. By working on our communication skills, introverts can learn to articulate our ideas clearly and confidently, and adapt our communication style to different audiences.

  2. Networking: Building relationships is important for any leader, and introverts can benefit from learning how to network effectively. This can involve finding common ground with others, asking open-ended questions, and actively listening to others.

  3. Public speaking: Many introverts find public speaking to be a challenging task, but this is an important skill for leaders. By practicing public speaking and becoming comfortable with it, introverts can become more confident and engaging communicators.

  4. Delegation: Delegating tasks effectively is an important skill for any leader, and introverts may need to work on delegating tasks more proactively. By recognising the strengths of our team members and delegating tasks accordingly, introverts can build trust and promote collaboration.

  5. Conflict resolution: Introverts may be less comfortable with conflict than extroverts, but conflict resolution is an important skill for any leader. By learning how to manage conflict effectively and respectfully, introverts can build stronger relationships with our team members and promote a positive work environment.

  6. Self-promotion: While introverts may be less inclined to self-promotion than extroverts, it's important for leaders to be able to promote themselves and our ideas effectively. By learning how to communicate our achievements and ideas confidently and authentically, introverts can gain visibility and recognition for our work.

  7. Time management: Managing time effectively is important for any leader, and introverts can benefit from learning how to prioritize their tasks and manage their time efficiently. This can involve setting clear goals, breaking down tasks into manageable pieces, and avoiding distractions.

Which of these areas do you feel you need the most help with? 

By developing these skills, introverts can enhance our leadership abilities and become even more effective in our roles.

To help you in your development journey, take this complimentary DISC assessment to learn more about your strengths and areas of growth.

Take Your DISC Assessment Here


From Introvert to Influencer Series: A Guide to Quietly Confident Leaders


From Doubt to Powerhouse: A Guide to Building Confidence and Assertiveness as an Introvert